General Plan Update and Climate Action Plan

The City of Sacramento developed a comprehensive update to its general plan in 2009, and the City completed a five-year technical update in 2015. Currently, the City of Sacramento is looking to make a strategic update to the current plan, keeping the vision, goals and a majority of policies of the 2035 General Plan while also addressing significant trends that are now emerging, new issues and recent state statutes, as well as updating the status of measures designed to implement the plan. AIM is serving as public outreach and community engagement consultant on the plan.

We have designed and are implementing a public participation plan that will consist of multiple, varied opportunities for deliberation and dialogue to encourage robust and on-going participation for all community members and eliminate barriers to participation for traditionally under-represented communities including communities of color, low income, youth and elderly. Our outreach strategies will reach beyond “the usual suspects” and create ways to include and represent the broader public, especially those whose voices may be traditionally excluded. These outreach strategies include Community Plan Area meetings, Mayor’s Climate Commission meetings, citywide public workshops and focus group meetings, quarterly newsletters and social media posts, and a project website. We are also using innovative strategies to engage the community through youth partnership/engagement, experiential pop-up workshops, short informational videos and Flash Feedback short online questionnaires.