Vision Zero Top Five Corridor Study
In 2017, the City of Sacramento identified the top five corridors in Sacramento with the highest numbers of fatal and serious crashes involving pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. The Vision Zero Top Five Corridor Study analyzes the factors that contribute to these corridors’ high crash rates. Based on technical analysis, community input, and best practices in roadway safety and design, the study will identify improvements for each of these corridors that can be implemented in the near-term.
Each of the five corridors span about one mile and include:
As the public outreach consultant for the effort, AIM developed and implemented a public outreach plan which was divided into two phases. Phase 1 served to build community awareness about the study, present an overview of existing conditions along the top five corridors, obtain community input on the community’s experiences traveling along the top five corridors, and educate the community on the importance of traffic safety. During Phase 1, AIM facilitated, planned, and coordinated six pop-up events and two community workshops to engage community members who regularly travel along the corridors and find out their experiences walking, biking, and driving along the corridor. The project team held the pop-up events at community hubs and community events near each corridor. Community workshops were held at local schools near each of the corridors. The project team engaged more than 100 community members throughout the Phase 1 of public outreach.
Phase 2 served to present and obtain community input on the draft countermeasures developed to address key issues along each corridor. During Phase 2, AIM facilitated, planned, and coordinated two community workshops in addition to a community event targeted towards families and residents living along the Broadway / Stockton corridor. The community event, titled “Let’s Move,” focused on multiple transportation projects within the City of Sacramento and encouraged community members to move their minds and bodies through a series of activities that included guided yoga and tai chi, group painting, kids’ obstacle courses, and a variety of other games.