City of Sacramento, Streetcar Planning Study

Working with the City of Sacramento’s Department of transportation, AIM served as the public outreach consultant for the Streetcar Planning Study. The primary purpose of the study was to undertake an alternatives analysis to identify a preferred streetcar route throughout the City. A collaborative public outreach process was used to engage a broad range of community groups with the ultimate goal of building consensus about the new streetcar network.

The outreach process consisted of engaging with and having conversations with property and business owners, developers and other key stakeholders to inform them about the purpose and function of streetcars, identify the specific goals for streetcars in Sacramento, and to work with stakeholders in developing a starter line and network.

AIM was responsible for the development and implementation of the public outreach program which included: the preparation of a public participation plan, including stakeholder identification, outreach, and meetings; public meeting planning and facilitation; media coordination; and attendance at City Council Meetings.

In addition, AIM facilitated both the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) meetings and the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings. The Business Advisory Committee included representation from a total of 10 Central City business organizations that were invited to participate in five committee meetings. The Citizens Advisory Committee included representation from 43 community organizations that were invited to participate in four committee meetings. AIM specifically facilitated discussions on initial brainstorming topics including: key destinations and candidate streets; goals; purpose and need; alternative routes; and network and starter line recommendations.

The study resulted in unanimous City Council approval of the streetcar network.